2 min read



One great lesson I've learnt in my historical research of how great companies are built is the fact that building a great company takes time.

When you look at the years it takes to build a great company, wisdom demands  that as a business or company steward (owner), you shouldn't trivialize the financial commitment of your investors/partners to your business or company.

Many people don't know the behind the scene price I and Aretecom Ltd team members pay to keep the company moving. One of our core values at Aretecom Ltd is INTEGRITY. It's our company's culture that every investor/partner is paid before anyone else who own equity/shares in Aretecom is paid (including myself).

Everyone cannot be a business owner. And obviously everyone don't need to be business owners to live a comfortable life with Kingdom integrity and excellence. Not everyone has the stamina to endure the tough season and it doesn't make you weak in anyway. The proof of your smartness, when it comes to finances, is your investment portfolio because this is the way to keep making money while you sleep.

Aretecom Ltd Agriculture Fractional Ownership Naira Scheme is a platform that gives you the opportunity to invest your money and get good returns annually. We don't offer Monthly Returns.

You may be wondering why we don't offer Monthly Returns.

Well, I've come to the realization that any company offering monthly returns in Africa is not different from a Ponzi scheme. You may not see it as a Ponzi scheme in the beginning, they may look appealing with their mouth-watering return offers. But sooner or later, time will reveal to you how Ponzi they are.

As a business owner in Africa (Nigeria to be precise), offering investors/partners monthly returns is not sustainable. I almost learnt this the hard way during my early days in business but thank God for wisdom and discernment. Even if your business is doing billions of naira in turnover annually, you need to be guided and conscious of the returns and durations of your investment offers.

Also, we don't offer outrageous returns that are not realistic at Aretecom Ltd. Apart from the fact that there are financial regulatory bodies (EFCC and others) regulating our financial activities, we don't want to lie to ourselves and deceive our investors/partners. We are a "baby company" and we can't afford to give an investment offer that's beyond what we are capable of delivering at this phase of our company's growth. Our goal is to attract investors/partners that believe in us and what we are doing at Aretecom Ltd, key into our vision, and trust us to grow their resources in a responsible and sustainable manner.

What's most important is to have a secure investment opportunity and get a reasonable ROI without losing your capital.

In light of the above, I want to assure you that Aretecom Ltd investment is simply the best offer out there because we are operating in a sector with the most less risks (Agriculture).

Invest in Aretecom Ltd Agriculture Fractional Ownership Naira Scheme Today and enjoy unbeatable returns.

I love you and do have a relaxing weekend.

To Your Financial Success,

Daniel, Jacob A.

CEO, Aretecom Ltd.